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Regenerative Medicine

21 June 2009
An emerging research field
This report analyzes the knowledge dynamics of a new research field, Regenerative Medicine. The study is part of the forecasting exercise of the Council for Medical Research (RMW) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW).




Regenerative Medicine (RM) is such a new and emerging field of research. This report answers a set of questions with respect to its early development.

  • What is the nature of the field of RM?
  • What is the size of the research field, in terms of research papers in international journals? What is its rate of growth? In what research fields do papers on regenerative medicine (RM) appear? What are the specific RM journals?
  • What is the focus of current regenerative medicine research and has this changed over time?
  •  Where does the field emerge from - on what research traditions is it based?
  • In which direction is the research field moving? Is it emerging as a identifiable research field,different from other and related fields? Or is RM a set of different research questions, combining together in a multidisciplinary program - spread over a heterogeneous set of specialties? Or, is it a label covering a heterogeneous set of activities, without any meaningful strong connection.
  •  What is the social and organizational environment of regenerative medicine?
  • What is the position of different countries and research organizations in the research field and in the various subfields?
  • What are the collaboration networks of the Dutch universities in the Netherlands and internationally?


Preferred citation:
Peter van den Besselaar & Thomas Gurney, Regenerative medicine: an emerging research field. Den Haag, Rathenau Instituut, 2009.