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Dutch debate on 5G needs more substance

message to parliament
11 March 2021

Photo: Shutterstock

5G debat behoeft meer diepgang - Bericht aan het parlement Rathenau Instituut
In July 2020, the first section of 5G frequencies was auctioned in the Netherlands and its first applications were launched. Critics are concerned about digital security and health effects. Supporters point out the many technical possibilities. The debate threatens to become polarised. As a result, relevant questions about risk assessment and cyber resilience are being sidelined. The Rathenau Instituut has provided the Dutch House of Representatives with five points of attention to add substance to the debate. These points will be useful in preparation for the Schriftelijk Overleg (Written Consultation) for the Telecomraad (Telecom Council) on 14 and 15 October 2020.
Read the Message to the parliament