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Expenditure of universities in the Netherlands by type of expenditure

data publication
29 November 2019
The indicator shows trends in the expenditure of universities in the Netherlands by type of expenditure and focuses on the expenditure types of individual universities.


The development of the expenditures of Dutch universities is characterized by an upward trend and - from 2005 onwards - a fairly constant distribution over the various types of expenditure.

Tilburg University (UvT) has a relatively large proportion of personnel costs relative to other universities and relative to the average for all universities. The share of "other costs" of Tilburg University is below the average. TU Delft (TUD) has a relatively large proportion of housing costs relative to the other universities, but the share of "other costs" is below the average.

For an explanation of the used acronyms we kindly refer to the web page Definitions for Science in Figures.

More data
Additional data about the income and expenditure of the universities in the Netherlands over multiple years and per university are available in this Excel format.