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4th European Technology Assessment Conference (EPTA)


10:00 Zhupa House, Bratislava
Conference Bratislava 2019
The 4th European Technology Assessment Conference, organized within the GlobalTA network, will take place in Bratislava on 4th - 6th November 2019. The theme of the conference is 'Value-driven Technologies: Methods, Limits, and Prospects for Governing Innovations'.

The aim of the conference is to discuss how technology assessment and related activities such as science and technology studies (STS), responsible research and innovation (RRI), public engagement, and foresight can contribute to knowledge-based policy-making on science, technology and innovation, to engage policymakers and other stakeholders in this endeavor, and to learn from each other’s perspectives. 

Various researchers of Rathenau Institute contribute to the conference. Please find a list of their activities below:

  • ‘How to serve parliament?’, a session conducted by Patricia Faasse, Amarens Veeneman and Ira van Keulen.
  • ‘Cyberspace without conflict: the search for de-escalation’, a presentation by Jurriën Hamer. Mr Hamer will discuss the Rathenau report ‘Cyberspace without conflict’. How to enhance cyber peace and increase the safety of cyberspace? Mr Hamer will point to possible solutions with regard to these issues.
  • ‘Extending reality. On the impact of augmented reality in the Netherlands’, a presentation by Dhoya Snijders, Serf Doesborgh and Rinie van Est, part of the session ‘Augmented Realities, Spatial Perception and Societal Impacts’.
  • 'Value-driven innovation approaches: theory and practice', a session conducted by Linda Kool en Roos de Jong.
  • Romy Dekker will participate in the session 'Governing Energy Policy – value driven or smart choices?
Programme of the conference