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Deciding on radioactive waste: lessons from Europe


9.30 tot 12.30u Online

(Photo: Lex van Lieshout/ANP)

Een journalist kijkt in een van de schachten waarin COVRA tijdelijk hoog-radioactiefafval opslaat.
For decades, European countries have been searching for a solution to the final disposal of radioactive waste. How do they conduct this search? And what can the Netherlands learn from this? On Thursday October 12, international experts and Dutch stakeholders share their views on the decision making process regarding the long-term management of radioactive waste. This event will be held in English and broadcasted live on this website.

Lessons from Europe

In the morning, we will present the volume The Future of Radioactive Waste Governance: Lessons from Europe. After this, three international experts discuss how countries such as Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland decide on the long-term management of radioactive waste. Together with a Dutch panel and the audience we discuss what The Netherlands can learn from this.


You can follow the event live on our website:

9.30: Welcome and presentation The Future of Radioactive Waste Governance: Lessons from Europe by Rinie van Est (Rathenau Instituut)

10.00: Lessons from Europe

  • Anne Bergmans (University of Antwerp)
  • Sophie Kuppler (Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, Karlsruhe)
  • Markku Lehtonen (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona)

11.00: Break

11.30: Lessons for the Netherlands

  • Jan Haverkamp (Greenpeace and WISE)
  • Marie-Noëlle Martin (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)
  • Jan Boelen (Central Organisation For Radioactive Waste)
  • Wim Bijsterbosch (Province of Drenthe)
  •  Anne Loeber (Athena Institute, VU Amsterdam)

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