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International Collaboration

The societal aspects of technology, science and innovation often have an international dimension. Therefore, the Rathenau Instituut often collaborates internationally.

Via the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (EPTA) network we exchange knowledge with organisations in foreign countries. At the request of the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and on our own initiative we contribute to international research projects. 

Benefits of collaborating 

These projects are not only of interest to international stakeholders; they also fuel our own research by putting Dutch developments in and international framework. 

Our various international research activities are in line with our mission, areas of research, and public function. 

Examples of international research 

  • For example, via the European research program Horizon2020 we are investigating the societal impact of large research infrastructures in a project called ACCELERATE.
  • In the project RECIPES we analyse, in collaboration with associates, how the precautionary principle is used within Europe, specifically when it comes to glyphosate, endocrine disruptors, and genetic engineering.  
  • In the past, as part of the project SYN-ENERGENE, we also contributed to the international dialogue about genetic engineering.
  • At the request of the Science and Technology Options Assessment panel of the European Parliament we conducted several investigations. An example of which is our research into the influence of digitalisation on democracy and the advent of 3D bioprinting. Read more about our research at request
  • Lastly, the Rathenau Instituut also takes part in Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Networks (ETN), Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) actions and studies of the Organisation for Economic Collaboration and Development (OECD).

In addition to providing the international debate with information about technology, science, and innovation, the Rathenau Instituut also increases the capacity of policy-makers to deal with this information. We do this by developing course material and hosting workshops at request. For example, at the request of the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

More information?

For requests to take part in new research consortia please contact one of our coordinators research and dialogue.