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The innovative performance of the Netherlands, the provinces, and the EU-27

data publication
14 December 2023
Innovation business
How innovative are European countries? And how innovative are the Dutch provinces? In this datapublication comparison of the Netherlands with the EU average on a summary indicator for the innovative performance of countries. We also discuss the innovative performance of the Dutch provinces.

In short

  • The Netherlands belongs to the group of innovation leaders in 2023.
  • The Netherlands scores well above the EU average.
  • At provincial level, the Netherlands has six innovation leaders and six strong innovators.

How innovative are the Netherlands and the EU-27 countries? 

The European Innovation Scoreboard is a index composed of four different groups of indicators: 1) “framework conditions”, the main drivers of innovative performance outside companies; 2) “investments”, public and private investments in research and innovation; 3) “innovation activities”, the innovation activities of companies; and 4) "impacts", the effects of innovative activities of companies. At country level, the Netherlands belonged to the group of strong innovators in 2021 (a score between 100%-125% compared to the EU average=100%). In 2023, the Netherlands belongs to the group of innovation leaders (above 125% of the EU average). The Netherlands scores well above the EU average.

How innovative are the Dutch provinces?

At provincial level, the Netherlands has six innovation leaders in 2023 (20% above the EU average): Gelderland, Utrecht, Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Noord-Brabant en Limburg. This is followed by a group of provinces that are described as strong innovators: Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Overijssel, Flevoland en Zeeland.