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R&D expenditure, funded by the government and companies, as a % of GDP

data publication
26 June 2024
R&D government business Finance
To get a good overview of Dutch R&D expenditure, we can compare the expenditure with other countries. In this data publication, we compare R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP. We look at total expenditure, at government expenditure and at company expenditure.

In short

  • Total Dutch R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP is above the EU27 average, but below the OECD average.
  • The R&D expenditure of the Dutch government is above the EU-27 average and the OECD average.
  • The R&D expenditure funded by companies is above the EU-27 average, but below the OECD average.

R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP

Explanatory note 
R&D-expenditure as percentage of GDP is above EU-27 average, but below OECD average. In 2021, total Dutch R&D expenditure was 2,27% of GDP. This is between the averages of the OECD (2.76) and the EU27 (2.24). 

R&D expenditures by the government

Explanatory note
Dutch government R&D expenditure is above the EU-27 average and the OECD average.

R&D expenditures by business enterprises

Explanatory note
Business expenditure on R&D is above the EU-27 average but below the OECD average. 

Correlation enterprise and government expenses on r&d
Source: OECD, MSTI database (2024). Performer based data. Data Singapore 2020 and Denmark 2019.