The Balance of Science 2018

(The report is in Dutch only)
In 2016, we assessed this performance for the first time, together with the Royal Dutch Academy of Science and the Advisory Board for Science, Technology, and Innovation. We did this at the request of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The Balance of Science 2018 contains an update on the data we have gathered.
For the first Balance of Science the Rathenau Institute, the KNAW (Royal Dutch academy of Science), and the Council for science, technology, and innovation (AWTi) worked together to develop an analysis schedule. The basis for this schedule is the 'Science Vision 2025, choices for the future'.
This second edition of The Balance of Science has been drawn up by the Rathenau Institute. For this second edition we used the analysis schedule that had been used for the 2016 edition. The analysis of the 2018 data has yielded a similar outcome to the 2016 analysis. To summarize: the quality of science in the Netherlands is of a high level, proof of the impact of Dutch science is increasingly numerous and versatile, and Dutch universities increasingly attract talented scientists, both native and foreign.
However, this does not mean that there are no challenges left for the Dutch scientific field. To define these challanges, in 2019 the Rathenau Institute will organise a series of discussions about what the results of The Balane of Science 2018 mean for various parties involved, such as the KNAW and the AWTi.
Preferably cite as:
Koens, L., A. Vennekens, R. Hofman, N. van den Broek-Honingh en J. de Jonge. Balans van de Wetenschap 2018, Den Haag, Rathenau Instituut, 2018