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Shaping innovation through policy

07 May 2016
Essay commissioned by the Department of Knowledge, Innovation and Strategy of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
The Rathenau Instituut takes a closer look at the emergence of drones, Uber and self-driving cars, to learn lessons about how best to encourage innovation while predicting and managing any potential impact on society. The authors propose an active knowledge strategy and call for a more systemic approach to innovation.




The Knowledge, Innovation and Strategy department of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment has commissioned the Rathenau Instituut to draft a memorandum in order to be able to develop the theme of “policy in times of singularity” in the new Strategic Knowledge and Innovation Agenda. Specifically, we were asked to provide the following: suggestions for reformulation of, partial answers to, and paths of enquiry for knowledge requirements relating to challenges in dealing with unpredictable innovation specific to the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

This essay creates a framework for the demand for knowledge that innovative trends and developments might provoke when it comes to policymaking. The focus is on determining the extent to which innovation does or does not present a challenge to policy and the type of response required. In drafting our document, we drew on cases investigated by the Rathenau Instituut (including MacLaine Pont & Deuten, in progress; Royakkers & Van Est, 2016) and additional research conducted as part of this project.


Preferred citation:
P. Maclaine Pont, Q. van Est, J. Deuten, Shaping socio-technical innovation through policy -Essay commissioned by the Department of Knowledge, Innovation and Strategy of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment., Rathenau Instituut, Den Haag 2016