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Our research themes for 2019 and 2020

About Rathenau
07 January 2019
digital society knowledge for democracy making perfect lives knowledge ecosystems
Our work programme identifies the areas that we intend to emphasise in our research in 2019 and 2020. We are zeroing in on relevant and urgent societal aspects of science, technology and innovation.

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About this work programme

The work programme described in this document describes four interrelated themes that the Rathenau Instituut intends to address in 2019 and 2020. Within each of the four themes, we also identify the focus of our dialogue with society and a number of other topics that we intend to study to continue building our knowledge and expertise.

The four themes 

  1. Digital society: shaping our own digital future
  2. Making perfect lives: examining new care options
  3. Knowledge for democracy: expert and public input into decision-making
  4. Knowledge ecosystems: the knowledge society of the future

We will update our existing expertise by conducting new studies and explore new domains that we believe will become relevant to elected officials and policymakers in the medium to long term. How the Rathenau Instituut will set to work and with whom will be decided in the next few months.

We drafted our 2019-2020 work programme in consultation with various experts and stakeholders who are represented on the Rathenau Instituut Programme Panel. We also consulted the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science (KNAW), among other organisations. We further invited the public to submit suggestions to our ‘digital post office box’ for new research and new issues to explore.