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EU Framework Programme funding compared to national public funding

data publication
08 April 2022
The European Framework Programme is of increased importantance for the Netherlands. In this data publication we show the relationship between national public R&D expenditure and EU funding through the different Framework Programs. We also compare the funding of the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme with the funding of the European Research Council (ERC) to researchers at Dutch institutions.

In short

  • In 2020, the Netherlands spent 6.1 billion on research. In addition, we raised 0.9 billion euros through European funding.
  • The European funding is a continuously increasing share of the total public R&D.
  • The size of the person-oriented ERC grants is now the same as that of the Talent Scheme.

The income from EU Framework funding compared to national R&D

Europe increasingly important

National expenditure and European income for the Dutch science system have increased over the years. National from €3.39 billion in 2000 to €6.1 billion in 2020. European from € 170 million in 2000 to € 874 million in 2020. The European part is becoming increasingly important: from 5% of the total during the 5th Framework Programme (1998-2001) to 12.5% of the total during Horizon 2020 (2014-2020).

Income from NWO Innovational Research Incentives Scheme and ERC grants

Talented researchers get as much money from EU as from Netherlands
The increasing importance of funding from Europe can also be seen when we compare the NWO Talent Programme (Renewal Incentive) of the national financier NWO with the income from the European ERC programme. The NWO Talent Programme (Veni, Vidi, Vici) and the ERC grants (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Proof of Concept) are so-called person-oriented grants. In total, researchers from Dutch institutions annually receive about 150-160 million euros through the NWO Talent Programme. Since about 2012 researchers obtain the same annual amount from Europe via the ERC.