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R&D expenditure in the public sector, privately funded, in %

data publication
31 May 2023
R&D public sector Funding
What part of the R&D expenditure of public institutions is privately funded? In this data publication we show the extent to which R&D expenditure of public institutions (higher education and research institutions) is privately funded.

In short

  • 7.8% of research at Dutch higher education and public research institutions is privately funded.
  • This is above the EU-27 average of 7.0%.
  • Private funding for research is slightly higher at public research institutions than at higher education institutions.

Explanatory note
Compared to other countries, the Netherlands has a relatively large amount of private funding for public knowledge institutions. The share of private funding at the research institutes is higher than at higher education institutes: 9.1% versus 7.5% in 2021. The total share of privately funded research at public knowledge institutions (higher education plus research institutes) has fluctuated around the 8% mark in recent years.