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International co-publications of the Netherlands: growth per scientific domain

data publication
14 July 2022
publications Collaboration
What share of the publications per scientific field consists of international co-publications? The indicator shows the share and growth in number of co-publications by researchers in the Netherlands for the scientific domains.

In short

  • The share of international co-publications is largest in the fields of science Nature and Agriculture.
  • The field of science Humanities has the smallest share of international co-publications.
  • Between 2013-2016 and 2017-2020, we see a clear growth in all fields of science.

The share of international co-publications is greatest in Natural Sciences and Agriculture. The proportion of international co-publications varies greatly. 77% of the Natural Sciences is an international co-publication. In the Humanities this is 35%. The share of international co-publications has increased over the years in all scientific fields.