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Share of university - private co-publications (international)

data publication
17 April 2023
university publications
What share of all scientific publications are university-private co-productions? In this data publication, we show the co-publications of universities and companies as a share of all university publications and for the Netherlands the development over time. This provides insight into the collaborative relationships between universities and private organisations.

In short

  • In this comparison Austria has the highest percentage of university-private co-publications, Canada and Australia the lowest.
  • The share of university-private co-publications in the Netherlands is above the average of OECD and EU-15.
  • The percentages of university-private co-publications in the Netherlands, the OECD- and EU-15, have remained fairly stable between 2009 and 2018, and have been rising since then.

The percentage of university-private co-publications in the Netherlands has remained fairly stable between 2009 and 2018 and shows a slight rise in the two following years. It is above the OECD-average and EU-15 average. In 2014 and 2015 there has been a small decrease in the Dutch score, after which the percentage of university-private co-publications shows a slow but steady rise, as it does for many OECD-countries. In 2020 the Netherlands scores 8.5%, slightly higher compared to similar countries like Belgium (7.8%), Germany (8.1%), UK (7.8%) USA (7.8%) and Switzerland (8.5%).