The Netherlands in the EU Framework Programmes
In short
- The Netherlands receives 1.5 times more funding from the European Framework Program H2020 than it contributes.
- The Netherlands is in sixth place in Europe in terms of absolute revenues from H2020.
- Per fte research, Dutch researchers receive more funding from H2020 than researchers from any other country.
Contribution versus income from the EU Framework Programmes
Dutch contribution in % | Dutch revenues in % | |
FP4 (1994-1997) | 6,3 | 7 |
FP5 (1998-2001) | 6 | 6,7 |
FP6 (2002-2006) | 5,3 | 6,3 |
FP7 (2007-2013) | 5 | 7,4 |
H2020 (2014-2020) | 5,2 | 7,8 |
The Netherlands takes in 1.5 times more than it spends
The financial return Dutch researchers receive from the different EU Framework Programs exceeds the financial contribution of the Netherlands to the EU budget in each framework program (through the Multiannual Financial Frameworks). The share that the Netherlands receives from H2020 is 1.5 times greater than the Dutch investment. The upper figure also shows a decreasing proportion of the Netherlands to the EU Framework Programme budget, mainly due to the growth in the number of EU Member States.
Top 10 recipient countries in Horizon 2020
Top10 landen | |
DUI | 16,71% |
FRA | 11,33% |
SPA | 10,95% |
NED | 9,08% |
ITA | 8,85% |
BEL | 7,46% |
GRI | 3,75% |
ZWE | 3,29% |
OOS | 3,25% |
DEN | 2,89% |
Top10 landen | |
DUI | 14,6 |
VK | 11,6 |
FRA | 10,9 |
SPA | 9,4 |
ITA | 8,2 |
NED | 7,8 |
BEL | 5 |
ZWE | 3,4 |
OOS | 2,9 |
DEN | 2,6 |
The Netherlands in sixth place of recipient countries
The second graph shows the Top 10 recipient countries of the recent EU programme H2020. The Netherlands received EUR 5 billion (7.8%). In absolute terms, the Netherlands is the sixth largest recipient. Our country comes after major countries such as Germany (14.6%), the United Kingdom (11.6%), France (10.9%), Spain (9.4%) and Italy (8.2%). The entire top 10 receives 76% of the funds.
Inkomsten H2020 per onderzoeker | |
NLD | 170,785 |
BEL | 121,477 |
SWE | 99,975 |
AUT | 99,41 |
LUX | 96,718 |
DNK | 91,055 |
IRE | 90,156 |
FIN | 87,394 |
ESP | 68,22 |
ITA | 68,022 |
FRA | 63,03 |
GRE | 55,147 |
DEU | 53,577 |
UK | 41,662 |
PRT | 35,563 |
Dutch researchers receive, per fte, the highest amount of funding from H2020
When we correct for the number of researchers working in a country, expressed through fte, Dutch researchers are the most successful recipients of H2020-funding. Per fte research in the public sector they received 170,758 euros.
For an explanation of the used definitions and acronyms we kindly refer to the web page Definitions for Science in Figures.
Financiering uit de Europese Kaderprogramma's
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