In short
- Absolute government R&D expenditure rises from 4.7 billion in 2012 to 9.1 billion in 2023.
- The ministries of Higher Education, Culture and Science and Economic Affairs together fund 84% of R&D expenditures in 2023.
- Indirect R&D expenditure of the Dutch government is above the average of the EU-27.
The fact sheet is divided into five sections. We look at:
- national government expenditure on R&D;
- national government expenditure on innovation;
- national government expenditure in international perspective;
- regional expenditure;
- European expenditure.
There are several reasons why governments fund R&D:
- The government traditionally finances fundamental academic research because of a lack of other sources of funding for this type of research (a form of ‘market failure’).
- In order to maintain the knowledge infrastructure in areas important to the government, with institutes that are directly affiliated to the government (such as the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and the Research and Documentation Centre).
- In connection with its own need for knowledge for the preparation and evaluation of policy.
The government invests both directly and indirectly in R&D and innovation. Direct financing has two basic forms:
- With basic financing or institutional financing, the recipients of the financing have the freedom to choose for which they use the money. Program funding for institutes for applied research is also included.
- The second form is project financing, in which financing is given for a specific time, budget and content. Here the competitive element plays an important role; for example, researchers submit research proposals and only a few of them receive funding. Funding via NWO is a good example of this. Ministries also tender research projects on the basis of competition.
In addition to these direct forms of financing, a new form has emerged from the mid-1990s: indirect financial support via tax facilities. These are tax breaks aimed at companies with the aim of stimulating private R&D (see also the page on science and innovation policy).
Until 2016, two such tax schemes existed: the Promotion of Research and Development Act (WBSO) and the Research & Development Deduction (RDA). The WBSO was aimed at reducing the tax payment on R&D personnel costs, the RDA aimed at an increased deduction of non-personnel R&D costs. As of 2016, these two schemes have been merged into one new WBSO scheme. From 2023 onwards the WBSO will be indexed.
In addition, approximately € 150 million in tax aid is available from environmental schemes each year. In contrast to the WBSO, this is only aimed at innovation. We will discuss this further later in this fact sheet.
1. Developments in government expenditure on R&D
The government finances R&D directly (through basic or project financing) or indirectly (in the form of tax support).
The following graph shows from 2000 the two forms of government support for R&D - both direct financing and fiscal support. Direct investments are presented as a percentage of gross domestic product (gdp) to place them in the context of the economy.
Government expenditures and percentage GDP
In the graph above, we see government direct R&D expenditure (in euros) increasing annually up to 2011. There was a decline in 2012. Subsequently, the total amount of government support in the long-term budget shows a slightly increasing trend until 2017. From 2017 to 2018, R&D expenditure rose sharply due to the extra investments from the 2017 Coalition Agreement. The increases from 2021 are mainly due to the National Growth Fund and the Ministry of Education. After 2024 a decrease in R&D expenditure is expected. The savings anounced by the government in the Voorjaarsnota and Hoofdlijnenakkoord are not included in these numbers.
The following table looks at the development of R&D expenditure per department in the period 2022-2028. An innovation-relevant component can be distinguished within R&D expenditure, which we will return to later in this fact sheet.
Government R&D budgets by ministry, in millions of euros and as percentage of GDP
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | |
Realization | Preliminary | Budget | Long-Term Estimate | ||||
Education, Culture and Science | 5252,1 | 5776,2 | 5754,7 | 5894,8 | 5924,9 | 5899,7 | 5926,3 |
Economic Affairs and Climate Policy | 982,5 | 1861,2 | 1845,5 | 1637,2 | 1417,9 | 1287,1 | 1204,7 |
Health, Welfare and Sport | 507,5 | 524,2 | 520,7 | 432 | 374 | 324,6 | 308,5 |
Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality | 258,7 | 322,8 | 324,9 | 314 | 300,2 | 272,5 | 275,9 |
Defence | 169,5 | 221 | 232,9 | 252,3 | 259,9 | 281,1 | 292,5 |
Infrastructure and Water Management | 185,3 | 303,1 | 304,4 | 286 | 271,6 | 186,5 | 185,7 |
Foreign Affairs | 118,3 | 50,3 | 45,1 | 45,5 | 47,4 | 47,2 | 47,2 |
Justice and Security | 26,6 | 26,9 | 29 | 28,4 | 28,4 | 28,4 | 27,3 |
Social Affairs and Employment | 17,9 | 13,5 | 12,1 | 12,5 | 18,1 | 16,3 | 20,8 |
Interior and Kingdom Relations | 14 | 24,7 | 35 | 42,3 | 21,9 | 16,2 | 11 |
General Affairs | 0,4 | 0,6 | 0,6 | 0,6 | 0,6 | 0,6 | 0,6 |
National Growth Fund | 0 | 5 | 516,6 | 336 | 425 | 459,1 | 691,9 |
Total | 7532,9 | 9129,7 | 9621,5 | 9281,7 | 9090 | 8992,3 | 8992,4 |
Total in percentage of GDP | 0,79 | 0,88 | 0,89 | 0,84 | 0,81 | 0,78 | 0,79 |
The table shows that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy are by far the two largest financiers of R&D, together responsible for 84 percent of the expenditure in 2023. From 2021, resources from the National Growth Fund (included in the budgets of the ministries: 56 billion euros in 2022 and 618 billion euros in 2023) are also part of the R&D funding. These ensure that R&D expenditure increases. After 2024, the R&D expenditure decreases in both absolute and relative sense. The savings that are anounced by the government in the Voorjaarsnota and Hoofdlijnenakkoord will even further decrease the R&D expenditure.
2. Innovation and innovation-related expenditure
Since 2014, figures on government spending on innovation have been gathered alongside government spending on R&D.
Innovation spending is defined as government budgets intended for the funding of activities focused on and intended for innovation in the public or private sector that lead to new or greatly improved products, processes/methods and services, or administrative, organisational or marketing innovations.
The following table shows the different forms of government support for R&D and innovation for 2022-2028. In 2022, 79% of the total government contribution to R&D and innovation will consist of direct expenditure on R&D. 16% consists of indirect tax aid for R&D and innovation. Direct innovation expenditure is 7%.
Direct and indirect financial support for R&D and innovation, in millions of euros
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | |
Realisatie | Voorlopig | Begroting | Meerjarenraming | ||||
Uitgaven voor R&D | 7.532,9 | 9.129,6 | 9.621,5 | 9.281,7 | 9.090,0 | 8.819,2 | 8.992,3 |
waarvan innovatierelevant | 1583,555374 | 2710,54269 | 3224,405825 | 2813,50431 | 2703,223688 | 2541,186531 | 2692,767493 |
Uitgaven voor innovatie, niet zijnde R&D | 628,1007 | 1647,89505 | 2443,433755 | 2253,23053 | 2028,390635 | 1787,06053 | 1716,688885 |
Fiscale instrumenten voor R&D en innovatie | 1530 | 1658 | 1667 | 1669 | 1669 | 1694 | 1694 |
waarvan alleen voor innovatie | 229 | 217 | 217 | 219 | 219 | 244 | 244 |
Totale uitgaven voor R&D en innovatie | 9691,000475 | 12435,53996 | 13731,96124 | 13203,9115 | 12787,43 | 12300,21143 | 12403,01528 |
3. International comparison of government funding of R&D
How does R&D spending in the Netherlands compare with that in other countries? The figure below compares government spending on R&D (as a proportion of GDP) in a number of European countries. The figure shows that the Netherlands is slightly above the OESO average and the average of the EU-27 countries.
2021 | |
KOR | 1.12 |
DEU | 0.94 |
AUT | 0.93 |
NOR | 0.90 |
CHE | 0.90 |
DNK | 0.83 |
SWE | 0.79 |
FIN | 0.76 |
FRA | 0.72 |
NLD | 0.7 |
USA | 0.69 |
EU-27 | 0.66 |
OESO | 0.63 |
BEL | 0.59 |
UK | 0.57 |
ESP | 0.54 |
ITA | 0.51 |
JPN | 0.51 |
IRE | 0.19 |
For a good comparison, fiscal support should also be included in direct R&D expenditure. Most countries have such schemes; only a few do not (yet) (Germany and Switzerland). If looking at indirect R&D expenditure, the Netherlands is above the EU-27 average (see data publication Government support for R&D, in % of GDP). As percentage of GDP, the size of government support through tax incentives varies from 0 to 0.33%; in the Netherlands it is 0.16% (2021).
4. Regional
Activities related to knowledge and innovation also take place at regional level. However, a survey of funding for knowledge development and innovation at regional level was carried out for the 2013-2019 edition of TWIN. This funding comprises European resources, provincial resources and matched funding from central government. Regional development agencies, management authorities and other regional organisations are also involved. Up to and including 2022, the budgets that the provinces committed for knowledge and innovation were between €137 and €270 million. These investments are higher in 2020 and 2021, partly because extra resources have been made available in connection with COVID-19, but also because of new projects and initiatives. The provinces have budgeted a total of € 190 million for knowledge and innovation in 2023.
5. Europe
The European Union also contributes to the funding of R&D in the Netherlands. Since 1984 this has mainly been in the form of funding under the Framework Programmes, which has grown steadily. Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) had a total budget of €77 billion. Horizon Europe (2021-2017) started medio April 2021 and has a total budget of €96 billion. Dutch institutions, both public and private, acquired a relatively large amount of funding from Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe so far, amounting to one-and-a-half times the Dutch contribution to the programme. Dutch researchers received €5.4 billion of Horizon 2020 funding, representing 7.9% of the total. In Horizon Europe 9.1% of the total budget went to Dutch researchers so far. Since the United Kingdom has left the EU and is participating in Horizon Europe as an associated country, the percentage is higher for most European countries, including the Netherlands.
OECD 2012 Working Paper on internationally comparable indicators of public funding
Every year the Rathenau Instituut gathers data on government funding of R&D and innovation. The data are based on the government budgets submitted to the House of Representatives at the official opening of parliament. The Rathenau Instituut surveys the ministries and publishes the results in its TWIN publication (Total Investment in Research and Innovation). Since 2015, this publication has also included data on efforts at regional level, as well as EU funding.
For an explanation of the used definitions and abbreviations we refer to the webpage Definitions for Science in Figures.
Relevant publications
- Total R&D in the Netherlands by sector of performance and source of funds, R&D activity type and type of costs
- R&D expenditure in the Netherlands by funding source
- Government support for R&D, in % of GDP
- Move towards three percent
- Government funding of R&D
- R&D expenditure and capacity by field of science
- R&D expenditure in the Netherlands by funding source and sector of performance
- Funding and performance of R&D in the Netherlands