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Private non-profit research funding

data publication
09 January 2025
research Funding science
Besides business enterprises and the government, the private non-profit (PNP) sector also funds research. This publication shows the size and trends in research expenditure by the PNP sector. Health funds are a dominant funding source in this sector, as they account for almost half of all PNP-funded research.

In short

  • PNP funds finance about 2,5% of scientific research in the Netherlands.
  • That amounts to about 400 million euros per year.
  • Health funds pay almost half of the total expenditure on research by the PNP sector.

R&D spending and the PNP sector

R&D in the Netherlands is financed by companies, the government and the PNP sector. Over the past few years, PNP funds have financed an average of €400 million a year in research. This represents about 2,5% of the total expenditure on scientific research in the Netherlands.

Differences per sector of performance

In the higher education sector, funding from the PNP sector (5.9%) plays a more important role than in research institutions (1.1%) and companies (1.0%) (preliminary figures from the year 2022).

facts and figures

5.9% of R&D in higher education is financed by the PNP sector

1.1% at research institutes

1.0% at companies

Health funds largest financier

The largest contribution for scientific research in the PNP sector comes from the health funds.

Overall picture
Over the period 2009-2019, we see an increase in the research expenditure of the health funds, with a number of fluctuations. These fluctuations are primarily caused by the changes in research expenditure of the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) and will be explained below. In the other funds, small fluctuations can be seen in their expenditure on research.

In 2020, the health funds spend significantly less on research: 123 million euros. Here as well, KWF explains most of the decrease in research expenditure. Where between the years of 2009-2019 they spend on average 68% of their total expenses on research, this is only 53% in 2020. This is a consequence of the covid-19 pandemic, which has caused a decreased absorption capacity in the research field - as a consequence of which less research could be performed. The research expenditure of the other health funds decreased from 81 million euros in 2019 to 70 million euros in 2020 - a decrease of 13%. The total expenditure of this group (Excluding KWF), decreased by 20%. 

In 2021, 2022 and 2023 we see the research expenditure increase again, approximately to the level of 2018. I

Research expenditures of health funds are diverse
Most health funds spend between 1/3 and half of their available means on research. Unlike previous years, the ALS Foundation spent the highest percentage on research in 2023: 70.4%. In 2022, this percentage was much lower: 58%. The high research expenditure of the ALS Foundation is explained by campaigns such as Serious Request and Tour de ALS. The income generated through these campaigns has been spent on research (ALS Foundation, 2023). After this, the MS Research Foundation, KiKa Foundation (67% each) and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (52%) have the highest research expenditures. 

In absolute expenditure, KWF is by far the largest, with 66 million euros. Almost all other health funds spent less than 10 million euros on research in 2023. In addition to the KiKa Foundation (24.5 million euros), the Dutch Heart Foundation (21.7 million euros), the ALS Foundation (12.5 million) and Alzheimer Nederland (11.5 million euros) are the only exceptions

KWF explains most of the fluctuations in research expenditure of health funds
As a large research funder, KWF has a lot of influence on the trend presented in the second graph. In 2014, 21.3 million euros was spent on research projects from the Alpe d'HuZes/KWF fund, which was initially budgeted for 2013. This largely explains the rise in research expenditure in 2014 as well as the drop in 2015. 

The fluctuations between 2017 and 2020 are also largely explained by KWF. In 2019, health funds' research expenditure rises with 66,7 million euros (36%). This is caused by a multi-annual contract between KWF and the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), which is fully accounted for in 2019.