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Income and expenditure NWO

data publication
18 July 2024
income expenditure nwo
In this data publication we show the extent and development of the income of the research council NWO by source of funds, and the extend and development of the expenditure of NWO in millions of euros.

In short

  • NWO mainly receives money from OCW. Revenues increased gradually until 2017 and sharply in 2018.
  • NWO mainly gives money to the universities and to the NWO institutes.
  • In 2018 there was a one-off change in reporting between NWO and OCW.

Income mainly from OCW

Some 79% to 92% of NWO's income comes from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The income from OCW increases gradually between 2001 and 2017. In 2018 there is a large increase. The main reason for this increase is an amount of 186 million euros for sector plans, for the digital and large-scale infrastructure, for the National Science Agenda and for the governing bodies National Regieorgaan Education Research (NRO) and National Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA (NRPO-SIA). In addition to income from OCW, NWO also has other income and contributions from third parties. The contributions from third parties increase over time but decrease in 2020, possibly as a result of the corona crisis, but increased since 2021 up to 163 million euros in 2023. The other income is more erratic.

Expenditure especially at universities and institutes

NWO's total expenditure decreases slightly in 2016 and increases slightly in 2017. In 2018, expenditure increases further to almost 1,000 million euros. On top of this, there is a one-off large expenditure of 342 million euros to OCW in 2018. This is the result of a different accounting methodology (see also the drop-down window below). In 2020, the expenditure will also exceed 1000 million euro. 

Each year half of NWO's expenditure goes to universities. About 20% is spent on NWO institutes and STW, 8% on universities of applied sciences and about 10% on other research institutions. Administration costs fluctuate between 6% and 10% of total expenditure and consist of programme costs and NWO administration costs.