What part of the R&D expenditure of public institutions is privately funded? In this data publication we show the extent to which R&D expenditure of public institutions (higher education and research institutions) is privately funded.
In short
- 7.8% of research at Dutch higher education and public research institutions is privately funded.
- This is above the EU-27 average of 7.0%.
- Private funding for research is slightly higher at public research institutions than at higher education institutions.
2021 | |
CHN | 15,4 |
DEU | 10,8 |
CHE | 10,5 |
BEL | 9,2 |
UK | 8,1 |
KOR | 8,1 |
LND | 7,8 |
AUS | 7 |
EU-27 | 7 |
ESP | 6,5 |
AUT | 6,3 |
CAN | 6,2 |
ITA | 5,5 |
OECD | 5,2 |
SGP | 4,7 |
FRA | 4,5 |
FIN | 3,9 |
IRE | 3,4 |
NOR | 3,3 |
CZE | 3,3 |
SWE | 3,1 |
JPN | 3,1 |
UV | 3 |
DNK | 2,6 |
Data: Download as CSV file
Source: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) / Main Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI) 2023 (september). Calculations: Rathenau Instituut
Notes: Australia, Denmark and Singapore: 2020.
Percentage of privately funded research at higher education institutions | |
CHN | 32,57910265 |
KOR | 14,08371737 |
DEU | 13,08611297 |
BEL | 11,27298033 |
CHE | 10,80885745 |
UK | 9,30956055 |
NLD | 7,54045883 |
CAN | 7,238439037 |
EU-27 | 6,988837585 |
ITA | 6,757151426 |
OECD | 6,251272879 |
SGP | 5,612580811 |
AUS | 5,49196375 |
ESP | 5,315800655 |
US | 5,083596121 |
AUT | 4,321371849 |
CZE | 3,932524542 |
IRE | 3,521043735 |
FIN | 3,279833285 |
JPN | 3,209482562 |
FRA | 3,098792617 |
SWE | 2,829540938 |
DNK | 2,501152122 |
NOR | 2,084545428 |
Data: Download as CSV file
Source: OECD/ MSTI 2023-September.
Notes: Australia, Denmark and Singapore: 2020.
Percentage of privately funded research at public research institutes | |
AUT | 12,45405928 |
AUS | 12,28026534 |
NLD | 9,060650853 |
ESP | 8,268536645 |
DEU | 7,925975727 |
FRA | 6,89470787 |
EU-27 | 6,886299168 |
CHN | 6,589542839 |
NOR | 6,467602053 |
FIN | 5,767121541 |
BEL | 5,141008863 |
SWE | 4,361662462 |
DNK | 3,361344538 |
ITA | 3,241158017 |
OECD | 3,230491554 |
IRE | 3,053199045 |
SGP | 2,898584666 |
JPN | 2,844885248 |
CHE | 2,723379935 |
UK | 2,539507075 |
CZE | 2,473168007 |
KOR | 2,432531269 |
CAN | 0,611828688 |
US | 0,320225055 |
Data: Download as CSV file
Source: OECD/ MSTI 2023-September.
Notes: Australia, Denmark and Singapore: 2020.
Explanatory note
Compared to other countries, the Netherlands has a relatively large amount of private funding for public knowledge institutions. The share of private funding at the research institutes is higher than at higher education institutes: 9.1% versus 7.5% in 2021. The total share of privately funded research at public knowledge institutions (higher education plus research institutes) has fluctuated around the 8% mark in recent years.
For an explanation of the used acronyms we kindly refer to the web page Definitions for Science in Figures.
Private financiering publiek onderzoek
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