In short
- The proportion of female professors in the Netherlands has increased over the years.
- The technical universities in the Netherlands have the smallest share of female professors.
- Compared to other EU countries, a relatively low proportion of Dutch professors are women.
What is the proportion of female professors within Dutch universities?
HGL | |
OU | 42,6 |
UM | 36,1 |
LEI | 32 |
RU | 31,9 |
UU | 31,9 |
TiU | 30,4 |
UVA | 30 |
VU | 29,6 |
RUG | 29,4 |
Totaal | 28,7 |
WU | 26,6 |
EUR | 25,3 |
UT | 22,9 |
TUE | 22,7 |
TUD | 18,9 |
The general broad universities have a higher share of female professors than average. The technical universities have a relatively small proportion of female professors.
In which scientific areas do most female professors work?
HGL | |
Economie | 18,5 |
Techniek | 19,8 |
Natuur | 20,9 |
Landbouw | 26,7 |
Totaal | 28,7 |
Divers | 32,9 |
Recht | 34,3 |
Taal & Cultuur | 39,5 |
Gedrag & Maatschappij | 42 |
Over the past ten years, the share of female professors in the Netherlands shows a steady increase among all scientific areas. Since 2016, the Humanities and Behavioral sciences, as well as Law are the only scientific areas in which over a quarter of the professors (in fte) is female. The lowest share of female professors can be found in the scientific fields Economics, Engineering and Nature sciences with percentages of 18.5%, 19.8% and 20.9% in 2023, respectively.
What is the proportion of female professors within university medical centers?
Women professors (%) | |
Erasmus MC (Rotterdam) | 24,2 |
LUMC (Leiden) | 26,6 |
AMC (Amsterdam) | 28,8 |
Maastricht UMC | 29,1 |
Total | 29,7 |
Radboudumc (Nijmegen) | 29,8 |
UMCU (Utrecht) | 30,8 |
UMCG (Groningen) | 31,5 |
VU MC (Amsterdam) | 38,0 |
The monitor on female professors, published by the Dutch network of female professors, presents data on female professors at the university medical centers. The average share of female professors at these centers was 30% in 2022 (28% in 2021), which is a bit higher than the average of female professors at the universities. The share varies between 24.2% and 38%. Compared to 2021, the share of female professors increased the most at LUMC by 2.8 percentpoints.
How do these figures compare to other European countries?
2018 | |
NOR | 30,9 |
FIN | 30,3 |
SWE | 28,2 |
FRA | 27,7 |
PRT | 27,2 |
GBR | 26,4 |
IJS | 26,3 |
EU-28 | 26,2 |
IRE | 25,6 |
AUT | 25,1 |
CHE | 24,1 |
ESP | 23,9 |
ITA | 23,7 |
DNK | 22,6 |
NLD | 22,3 |
DEU | 20,5 |
BEL | 20,3 |
Compared to the EU countries, the Netherlands has a relatively low share of female professors (based on 2018 data). Of the countries in the figure only Belgium and Germany has a lower share of female professors. But Luxembourg, Hungary and Cyprus (countries not presented in the figure) also have a lower share of female professors than the Netherlands. Because the share of female professors is rising in the Netherlands, the question is whether the Netherlands is still lagging behind in Europe.
The data are obtained from the WOPI-file of the VSNU (the association of collaborating universities in the Netherlands). The WOPI-data (Information on scientific education personnel) is annually requested by the VSNU from fourteen universities, conform a standardized format and agreed definitions. The reference date for the WOPI-data is 31st December for each year. All personnel is included who have a permanent or temporary employment contract or contractual agreement for a fixed number of working hours at a university. Student-Assistants excluded.
Over time, the personnel of almost all the academic hospitals have moved from the medical faculty or university as employer towards the academic hospital or the university medical centre (umc). The scientific field (HOOP-classification) Health sciences therefore shows an inconsistent pattern over time and is therefore not included in the data and graphs.
For an explanation of the used definitions and acronyms we kindly refer to the web page Definitions for Science in Figures.
NL-Cijfers over universitair personeel(WOPI).xlsx
file type xlsx - file size 318.96 KB
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