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University positions by age and gender

data publication
26 September 2023
Academic careers Women
What is the division (in FTE) between men and women who hold an academic position at a university? In this data publication, we look at the distribution within different age groups and at the annual development of the proportion of men and women per position.

In short

  • In all scientific positions the share of women is still smaller than the share of men, except for teachers.
  • The relative share of women in academic positions decreases with age.
  • The growing employment opportunities at universities are increasingly taken by women.

Academic careers by position, age and gender, 2022 (fte)

Academisch carrierehuis 2022 eng

Academic careers by position, age and gender (fte)

academisch carrierehuis 98-22
Source: UNL/ WOPI.
Note: Data on the categories of teachers, researchers and other scientific staff are available from 2005 onwards.

In 2022, the share of women in all scientific positions is still smaller than the share of men, except for the teachers. The relative share of men in academic positions increases with age. Age also correlates with position. The majority of PhD students (fte) are aged 25 to 29 years; 56% of them is male. Most professors (fte) are aged between 55 and 59 years; 77% of them is male. 

The number of fte in academics that is executed by women increased more in the past years than the number of fte that is executed by men. After a period of increase between 1998 and 2003, a slight decrease can be observed in the years 2004-2008 for men. The number of fte keeps growing steadily to 18.134 in 2022. The number of fte that is executed by women shows a different pattern. In the past years this number increased from 3,637 in 1998 to 13.643 in 2022 (+275%). The growing employment opportunities at universities are increasingly taken by women. The share of women having an academic position at a university increased from 22% in 1998 to 43% in 2022. With every career step, the gap between the share of men and women increases. The higher the position, the smaller the proportion of women.