PACITA: publieke gezondheidszorg en op het genoom gebaseerde kennis en technologie

The Future Panel consisted of parliamentarians from different European countries who were invited to identify major policy questions relating to the future prospects of public health genomics. This document collates the four Expert Working Group reports. On the basis of this report an Expert Paper has been produced with a focus on policy issues raised by developments in public health genomics. Finally, policy options for dealing with these issues have been described in a Policy Brief that was discussed in a Policy Hearing involving the Future Panel and a variety of experts (Lisbon, January 2014).
Public health genomics is defined as the responsible and effective translation of genome-based information and technologies for the benefit of population health. In this report the prospects for and implications of this process of translation are discussed from four different points of view. Part I discusses the state-of-the-art and future of public health genomics, part II discusses issues of quality assessment and implementation, parts III and IV discuss the economic, ethical, social and legal aspects of public health genomics.