In short
- The Netherlands has a very high citation impact among multidisciplinary journals.
- Computer Science, Instruments and Instruments and Mathematics have a medium citation impact. However, the Dutch focus on these fields is smaller than average.
The performance profile of the Netherlands research system relates the Netherlands international research specialisation index (RSI) in the period 2019-2022 to the citation impact (CI) score, for 35 scientific fields. Thus, the indicator shows whether the scientific fields in which Dutch science is most specialised are also the fields with the highest performance.
Degree of specialisation and citation impact by field, 2019-2022
Of the 35 science fields, one field has a very high citation impact, namely the multidisciplinary journals. Ten scientific fields have a high citation impact and fifteen scientific fields an above-average citation impact. There are thirteen areas in which the Netherlands is highly specialized. The majority of these (11) also have a high or above-average citation impact.
More data
Please download the excel file to see the calculation and underlying figures for the performance profile at the top right of this page.
Technical explanation
a) Area-standardised citation impact scores (CI): the number of citations received by publications from the 2019-2022 period during the 2019-2023 period compared to the global average of citations received per area (global average = 1.0).
b) Research Specialization Index (OSI): the share of Dutch research publications per scientific field in the period 2019-2022 in the total Dutch publication output, divided by the average percentage of the same scientific field in the publication output of all reference countries combined, unweighted by publication size of the countries (mean for all reference countries = 1.0).
For an explanation of the used definitions and abbreviations we refer to the webpage Definitions for Science in Figures.
Data and calculation performance profile
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