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Citation impact of all scientific publications international benchmark (WoS)

data publication
01 July 2022
Citation-impact publications
What is the Netherlands' citation impact score and what is its position in the international field? How does this citation impact score relate to scientific productivity? In this data publication, we compare the Dutch relative citation impact score of scientific publications with those of other countries.

In short

  • The Netherlands has a high average citation-impactscore between 2017-2020.
  • Only Singapore, Switzerland and United Kingdom have a higher average citation impact score in the same period.
  • Also, the Netherlands has a higher productivity compared internationally.

What is the citation impact score of all publications and international co-publications per country?

The Netherlands occupies a top position internationally when it comes to the average citation impact score. Only Singapore, Switzerland and the United Kingdom have a higher score. Publications involving international collaboration score higher in terms of the citation score in all countries than the citation score for the total number of publications in a country. If we look at the citation score of publications involving international collaboration, the Netherlands has the highest score.

International comparison of citation impact and productivity (2017-2020)

Impact en productiviteit internationaal vergeleken
Source: Clarivate Analytics/ WoS database, extraction CWTS and analysis by Rathenau Instituut.

The figure above compares the field normalized citation impact score and the scientific productivity of the reference countries. For productivity, we looked at the number of scientific publications in 2021, divided by 100 FTE public researchers. Dutch science is at the top in both the citation impact score and productivity.