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NWO and KNAW institutes: scientific publication output and citation impact (WoS)

data publication
11 July 2022
nwo knaw publications
How many scientific publications are published by NWO and KNAW institutes? And what is the citation impact score of these publications? In this data publication we share the figures.

In short

  • The number of scientific publications by NWO institutes has increased between 2011 and 2021.
  • Between 2011 and 2017, the number of scientific publications by KNAW institutes has increased, after which it decreases.
  • The citation impact score of the KNAW institutes has increased, that of the NWO institutes has decreased.

How many scientific publications will be published by NWO and KNAW institutes between 2011 and 2021?

The number of scientific publications produced by the KNAW and NWO institutes show a positive trend, but since 2017 the number of publication produced by the KNAW institutes is declining.

Citation impact for NWO and KNAW institutes

Both the publications of the KNAW institutes and those of the NWO institutes show a relatively high citation impact scores. At the KNAW institutes we see an upward trend in the citation impact. In the period 2017-2020, the citation impact score for the KNAW institutes is well above the average (area-standardised citation impact 2017-2020 is 1.82, the global average is 1.0). We see a decrease in the citation impact of the NWO institutes, but it is still above the global average (area standardized citation impact 2017-2020 is 1.25, the global average is 1.0). The citation impact for the period 2017-2020 is just below the Dutch average (1.30).

facts and figures

1,30 Average citation-impactscore Netherlands (2017-2020)

1,82 Citation-impactscore KNAW- institutes (2017-2020)

1,25 Citation-impactscore NWO-institutes (2017-2020)