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Budget Ministry of OCW for research and science

data publication
17 November 2022
research science Funding
In this data publication we show how the expenditure of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) on research and science has changed over the years. This concerns expenditure on Dutch Research Council (NWO), Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) (until 2011), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Royal Library of the Netherlands (KB) and international institutions. Expenditures do not include those for research at higher education institutions.

In short

  • Between 2000 and 2010, expenditure on research and science will increase from 750 million to almost 1.2 billion euros.
  • In 2011, there was a break in the trend due to the transfer of expenditure from TNO to the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  • In 2018 there will be a significant increase in expenditure due to intensification of earmarked resources and NWO main funding.
OCW uitgaven op het gebied van onderzoek en wetenschap,  in % van het totaal en in miljoenen euro
Source: OCW (annual reports)
Notes: Excluding the lump sum funding at higher education institutions. Break in series between 2010 and 2011 due to the transfer of the budget for TNO to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Data are broader than just about research spending. The earmarked subsidies consist, inter alia, of the Innovation Research Incentive Scheme ("NWO-talentprogramma, voorheen Vernieuwingsimpuls"), the Large scale infrastructure scheme, Technology Institute STW, the Netherlands Initiative for Educational Research. The category "other" includes, inter alia, contributions to other institutions, national coordination, bilateral cooperation and the National Contact for the EU Framework Programme.

Over the period 2000 -
2010, the budget of the Ministry of OCW for research and science increases. The decrease in 2011 is - in addition to the transfer of the TNO budget - mainly due to a decrease of the earmarked grants (following the phasing out of the FES funds). After some fluctuations, there has been an increase in resources from 2014, with a strong increase, especially in 2018, due to intensifications in the earmarked resources and in the institutional budget of NWO. In 2019, there is growth in all other items. Since 2020, the funding of library institutions decreases.